Water Features

Ring Fountain, Water Feature
Runnel Fountain, Water Feature
Pivot Scupper, Water Feature
B2G Commercial Custom Water Features, Skim Fountain
B2G Commercial Custom Water Features, Bud Fountain

Splashing, glowing, falling, reflecting, swirling, trickling, wavering — fountains reveal the magical properties of water, one of the four sacred elements, and bring joy, serenity, and wonder into our lives. Fountains animate our built environment with sight and sound, providing multi-media nature entertainment and elevating all of our senses. Fountains also reveal the dynamic properties of nature, at once capturing the fiery reflection of the sun and yet also providing a cooling effect to the mind and body. A celebration of hydraulic chaos and harmony, fountains have the power to touch the core of our being. It is truly all about water, the nucleus of nature, and the essence of life as we know it.

Our goal with fountain design is thus to harness the dynamic force and hypnotic beauty of water movement and feature it in the context of any designed environment. We’re a commercial architect team who knows how to harness the beauty of nature in our work. We believe that fountains should be simple in design, yet hold infinite layers of complexity.

We offer a variety of designs of all shapes and sizes. With so many gorgeous options, we have a water feature solution to perfectly suit any environment. A fountain is a wonderful way to elevate your outdoor space to the next level by adding something truly special.

Do you think a new water feature could be the element your space is missing? To add a touch of water to your space with an elegant design, contact us to get started with a commercial architect today. We would love to learn more about your project through a preliminary consultation and answer any questions you may have.